How To Grip Your Racket : Badminton DIY Guide (Viktor Axelsen Video)

If you want to be good at badminton, you have to know your weapon well, aka badminton racket.

If you haven’t already read the post about badminton, go here and here.

Luckily, we found a video online, it’s made by the new badminton champion – Viktor Axelsen, to explain how to grip your badminton racket.

Below is the transcription:

Hey, guys. I get a lot of questions about my racket, how I grip my racket, et cetera, so I thought I wanted to do a short clip on how I grip my racket and also about the regular use.

I use the Yonex Z Strike 3U G5. I started using it after Dubai Superseries Finals last year, and, I really like it so far.

It takes some time to get used to because the racket head is a bit smaller than what I’m used to, but I really like it and when you get used to it. You can really feel that it gives you great power, and great control as well.

When you come to the grip here, I use a basic Yonix towel grip at the end of the handle here down the bottom. I usually wrap a thin layer of sports tape around here. This is just, it gives you a great feeling. It helps with the balance for me personally and also if you slip, then it’s great to have this down here in the bottom.

So, I just wrap it around here, and when it looks like this, I stop and start gripping.

I usually start here by putting it here on the bottom like this. And start wrapping around. Actually underneath I have like the starting grip as you can see here.This just for me personally, I like a thicker grip, while others might want to take this off and then start gripping. But personally, I like to have a thick grip but, you know, that’s a personal preference.

Go around here. Perfect. And when I get to this point where I can see just a little bit of the grip underneath still, I know that it’s time to start finish the gripping off.

So I usually take my scissor here and then I used this as a measure of where I want to … So usually, it’s usually about maybe six centimeters. And then I cut it like this … so it looks like this. Then I just wrap the last thing around here like this.

I don’t like that it’s loose here so I always take some sports tape again and wrap it around a few times, like this.

So, now my racket is ready for training. And yeah, for those who are wondering about the strings as well, I use the Aerobite string and I have 33 lbs with a 10% pre-stretch

I like the strings so far and hopefully I will get a lot of good results with this racket.

I’m really looking forward to the next tournament, which will be All England. I will leave Denmark next Monday, so I still have some time to prepare.

So see you all on the court and have a great weekend.

Hope the video gives you the best explanation on how to do it yourself.

Share the video if you think it helps you or your badminton friend 🙂